Adding patients is a simple two-step process.
Step 1
When you log in to your Pattern account you will be placed directly onto the “Patients” page. In the top right corner of the screen click on the blue “+ New Patient” button.
Step 2
Complete the required form fields. If your patient form has attribute fields, please make sure to complete them accurately as well. When all the fields are filled out, click the green “Add Patient” button at the bottom of the screen.
TIP: Make sure your patient can access the email address they’ve given you on their mobile phone.
You will then be directed back to the “Patients” page, where you can see your new user has been added to the list of participants. If needed, you can go back into the participant's profile and edit any of the participant's information.
Once you have created a patient you will need to assign them a plan and invite them to download the app.
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